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  • Paul Anthony Jones


(n.) a feeling of discomfort caused by sitting in a cramped position

commuters and travellers on a train or plane

Croochie-proochles is a Scots dialect word for the feeling of discomfort that comes from sitting in a cramped position for too long.

According to the online Dictionary of the Scots Language, that’s a term that can be pinpointed to the Kincardine region of Fife, and probably derives from a local corruption of the words crooky (meaning simply ‘crooked’) and prickles.

There’s not much more to add to that—except for this fantastic example of the word’s use from one of the DSL’s contributors:

My sister knows of [the word’s] use in northeast Kincardine, and has heard it in Aberdeen. A friend describes the sensation of a return to the office stool after holiday in the open thus: “I am suffering from an attack of croochie-proochles, and it will be some time before I get over it.”


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